UniQo system has been designed to make easier and faster the cleaning operators work. This is why we focused on those who daily use trolleys, flat mop and frames. To better understand how they work, what are in detail the individual activities they carry out to make them less burdensome and more fluid, was what we did to create UniQo, so we have rethought from scratch the process for sanitizing healthcare environments.
The fatigue of a cleaning company
Putting ourselves on the side of the operators of a cleaning company we had confirmation, if there was still need, the heaviness of their physical effort. Push a trolley loaded with pre-treated mops, then weighed down by the retained liquid, move water and detergents in greater quantities than those you actually use, bend down to take, detach, squeeze out and fix the flat mop. These are all activities carried out over and over again for the sanitization of the environments cause workers an excess of fatigue, consequently slowing down their work. This is even more true in the case of female operators.
UniQo: the answer for the workers of professional cleaning companies
In order to reduce to the maximum the heaviness of the job of the operators we have revised from zero and cancelled the traditional operating process for the management of the flat mop. In fact, using UniQo system in a cleaning company means simplifying the work and making it lighter and faster.
To do this we thought of a revolutionary system that has as its heart a new bucket with 12 nozzles for impregnation of the flat mop. Flat mop that are impregnated with the amount of detergent exactly established for each room to sanitize. The process with defined duration according to the surface and the type of floor, lasts a few seconds (from 5 to 20). This mode allows you to thoroughly impregnate the flat mop, avoiding pre-impregnation, and to transport only the amount of liquids strictly necessary.
The UniQo trolleys are not equipped with a wringer but with 3 buckets, specially designed: the first for clean flat mop, the second for impregnation and the last for storing the dirty flat mop. But that’s not all, thanks to the automatic fastening system of the flat mop on the frame the operator no longer needs to bend down to replace them, being able to carry out the whole process comfortably standing.
Additional benefits for cleaning operators
The patented pending system of the UniQo cleaning trolley, based on the impregnation with nozzles and programming with precision the surfaces of the rooms to sanitize during the journey, reduces the weights to be transported optimizing the quantity. This is beyond the economic advantages for companies that offer hospital cleaning and sanitization services, which will waste neither detergent nor water, today such an important asset to preserve.
But that’s not all. With the new operating mode of UniQo, thanks to which operators of cleaning companies can’t come into contact with potentially infected flat mop of sanitary premises, We have made it impossible for both the cross-contamination of the environment and the possibility that workers can become infected.
If we combine all this with the easy handling of UniQo trolleys, thanks to the ergonomic handles on three sides and the large swivel wheels of 125 mm in diameter, It is easy to understand the quantum leap we made bringing to the market this revolutionary new family of 8 trolleys, designed for the cleaning company that wants the maximum for its workers and the maximum for its orders in terms of health safety.
Want to see UniQo in action? Click here
UniQo still has many secrets to reveal. Go back to these pages, you will find new reasons to include UniQo among your professional cleaning equipment.
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