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The new UniQo trolleys line (model 4 and model 12) has been designed to ensure maximum safety in terms of sanitization, completely eliminating the risk of cross-contamination. For this reason, PL Cleaning Innovation with the collaboration of Taxon have also redesigned the hooking and unhooking system of the cleaning mops on the frames.

UniQo Telaio allows you to fix UniQo Frange quickly, without the operator having to bend down to assembly or detach them.

UniQo Telaio

Folding plastic frame designed and engineered for easy and safe coupling with the UniQo Frange 1 and UniQo Frange 2 cleaning mops.
Universal handle attachment system. Equipped with a quick release/hook lever with graduated frame opening for precise, quick and intuitive insertion into the mop pockets.

The coupling with the mop guarantees excellent working comfort in the cleaning phase.


• Folding frame
• Material: plastic
• Quick release/hook lever
• Universal handle attachment system

Product ITEM
cm. 38X11

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