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The new UniQo System, designed by PL Cleaning Innovation with the collaboration of Taxon, has been designed to ensure maximum safety in the field of sanitization. The system of hooking and unhooking the washer fringes on the frames completely eliminates the risk of cross-contamination: UniQo Frangia can be quickly fixed on UniQo Telaio, thus avoiding the operator having to bend down to mount or detach them.

UniQo Mop is made of microfiber fabric, is equipped with rigid plastic pockets sewn on the fabric and is specific for UniQo Telaio. It guarantees the maximum ease of coupling and an excellent working comfort: the plastic coupling structure allows maximum stability, strength and the maintenance of the optimal performance of the fringe for an extremely long time.

UniQo Frangia 1

UniQo Frangia 1 has an extremely thin microfiber fabric with a high capacity for releasing the absorbed liquid, ideal for daily or twice-daily disinfection on floors that have already been dusted or in any case already cleaned. These are the characteristics that allow UniQo Frangia 1 to consume very little water and, thanks to its great smoothness and lightness, a quick and easy working activity for the operators.


• Microfiber fabric
• Rigid plastic pockets
• High capacity for releasing the absorbed liquid

Product ITEM
cm. 42X12

UniQo Frangia 2

UniQo Frangia 2  is smooth microfiber fabric has a thickness of 8 mm, while maintaining an excellent liquid release capacity and excellent smoothness, it is able to carry more detergent than UniQo Frangia 1 and in the floor cleaning phase, while releasing the detergent, it can retain small particles of dust and dirt between its fibers. It is recommended for use on surfaces with a high level of traffic and on floors with slightly dusty surfaces, where it is necessary to obtain a high degree of hygiene such as hospitals.


• Smooth Microfiber fabric
• Rigid plastic pockets
• Excellent smoothness
• Excellent liquid release capacity


Product ITEM
cm. 42X12

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